EU Banking Supervision9789462361065 | 1e druk, 2014 |
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Beschrijving | |
Voorwoord |
A | Overview |
B | Bank |
C | Ongoing Requirements |
D | Prudential Supervisors |
E | Legislative Process |
Acronyms and Definitions | |
Afbeeldingen | |
Index |
This book provides an introduction to EU banking supervision regulations. It seeks to provide a common basis of knowledge for people working in, or studying, banking supervision in the EU, or those unfamiliar with parts of the broad array of banking supervision requirements and instruments. The focus is on currently applicable regulations, largely drafted before the most recent financial crisis hit, as well as those rules and regulations drafted in its wake, and which are in the process of being rolled out at the date of this publication. It cross-links banking supervision with related subjects such as crisis management, financial stability and monetary policy, payment systems, company law and bankruptcy law. This overview serves both those who currently need to make decisions on banking supervision, and those with a business, scientific or social interest in banking supervision. It can provide the necessary background to assess how proposed legal amendments would fit into the existing supervisory map.
In essence this book contains what the author would have liked to know – or to have had easy access to – when starting work in this area. It aims to be useful both for new entrants as well as for experts, providing an overview of the full picture of banking supervision. Learning by doing – the personal experience of the author – often means that practitioners know a lot about ‘their’ subject, but little about other subjects that are equally important to achieve the wider goals of banking supervision.
"With EU Banking Supervision Theissen fills a void that has long needed filling. Theissen manages to lead the reader through the intricacies of European banking law in an organized and well structured manner, showing a thorough understanding of this complex material. I'm sure his book will be a huge success in both academia as well as public and private practice. Anyone who is interested in Theissen's personal opinion of the matter should look into Are EU Banks Safe? in which he gives very well substantiated criticism on the European structure of the CRD regulations and makes interesting new proposals."
Hélène M. Vletter-van Dort - Chair of Banking and Securities law, Erasmus School of Law, University of Rotterdam
Professionals (banking lawyers) and academics in financial law/european law.
Roel Theissen has worked in the area of banking supervision since 1997; first at the Dutch banking supervisor, then on secondment to CEBS (the Committee of European Banking Supervisors, which has since become the European Banking Authority). He has focused on regulation and policy development both domestically (in the Netherlands) and cross border (within the EU and in the Basel context). His investigation of banks and their functioning also led to work on cross-sectoral cooperation with insurance and securities supervisors. Since 2009 he has been lecturing and writing on prudential supervision in the financial sector.
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